COVID-19 Updates

All Good Body Care - COVID-19 Updates

Dear everybody, 

At All Good, our priority always lies in the health, safety, and overall wellness of each of you, of your families, loved ones, and our communities. It is extremely important to us that we continue to support our community and serve you in the safest possible way. 

As you are aware, things are changing by the day, and in some cases, by the hour.  We will be nimble and adapt in ways that we need to on a daily basis.

All Good Body Care - covid

We are so lucky to have the opportunity to act cautiously and prudently, and to support each other (from afar)! We are balancing all of these unknowns with an effort to keep business going in a responsible and practical way. 

As of now, we have adopted a work from home policy for those in our office who are able. That said, we will continue to ship orders out from our Warehouse while following safety precautions and hygiene rules following guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control.  As a skincare company in the time of COVID, the demand for our hand sanitizer, organic lotions, and healing All Good Goop is skyrocketing and we are doing our best to make sure these are delivered safely and quickly to your chapped hands.

Rest assured that while we are taking immediate precautions to make sure we continue to safely proceed with business, we are keeping the health of the planet in our forefront as well.  We are committed to being Climate Neutral, to operating on renewable energy, and to supporting regeneration of soil and the protection of open spaces.  As a B Corp and 1% for the Planet Member, we live to regenerate hope through hard times.

Like you, we have ceased business trips and we hope you’ve been able to make the same adaptations while we find ourself in this wildly uncharted territory. Distancing yourself from unnecessary contact with others will not only help stifle the spread of this virus, but will also provide you and your loved ones with a moment to ground yourself and take time to be still. Our employees have shared that they are taking this time to nourish their bodies with nutrient-dense food, taking online yoga classes, reading books with their children, gardening in the backyard, and finishing those incomplete home improvement projects. 

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We understand that living your values comes as a privilege to some who are not so frequently met with the opportunity to do so; especially now. You might be put in a situation where you have to sacrifice your values out of necessity — be it the need to sacrifice sustainability for price point or to prioritize your local small business owners and families who are being hit the most. Times like these make ‘comfortability’ the focal point of all decision making. So we recommend you do just that: do whatever you need to do to feel the safest and most comfortable you can be in this unknown.

To the mother whose safe haven is 20 minutes of stretching in the bathroom; to all the young professionals who have found a new meaning of the phrase “work from home”; to the elderly safe at home but missing visits from loved ones: this letter is for you. Take care of yourselves, be cautious, act from love, and enjoy the odd nature of this unprecedented time.

Our goal is to do everything we can during this unique time and do our part to help. If there is anything we can do to support you, please do not hesitate to reach out. Take care of yourselves, be cautious, act from love and enjoy the odd nature of this unprecedented time.

One day we will be reunited with our loved ones at the beach, watching the sunset with a newfound appreciation for life. Just wait… the air will feel fresher, the waves will look more majestic, love will feel stronger, and our gratitude will feel deeper. 

We are here with you.


Your All Good QuaranTeam

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