An open letter to EveryBody

All Good Body Care - An open letter to EveryBody

As we all retreat from the activities that usually keep our life busy and moving, we are left to indulge in the simpler things in life — and we mean real simple. Like the intense taste of a toothpaste you’ve been meaning to try; that fresh-baked smell of your umpteenth sourdough attempt; the feel of a puzzle piece’s rigid edges; and whoa — has the kitchen table always looked like that?

All Good Body Care - skinfood

At All Good, our priority always lies in the health, safety, and overall wellness of each of you, your families + loved ones, and our communities. Things are changing by the day, and, in some cases, by the hour. The world is learning to be nimble and to adapt on a daily basis, and as a skincare company in the time of COVID, we are following its lead. 

Internet browsing is at an all-time high, so for sake of finding something heartwarming on the interwebs, we thought we’d share some fun facts and ‘little did you know’s about the latest trending sport this year: staying home. 

To the mother whose safe haven is 20 minutes of stretching in the bathroom; to all the young professionals who have found a new meaning of the phrase “work from home”; to the elderly safe at home but missing visits from loved ones: this letter is for you. Take care of yourselves, be cautious, act from love, and enjoy the odd nature of this unprecedented time.

Here are some helpful All Good tidbits to consider for the times ahead:

More ‘screen time, please.

All Good Body Care - sunscreen balm

Oh wait, not *that* type of screen. We mean sunscreen — because staying indoors doesn’t automatically mean your skin is safe from the sun’s rays.

“Windows only protect us from UVB rays, which are the burning rays of the sun, but not UVA, the aging rays,” says Laura Scott, M.D., associate director of the Skin of Color Division at the University of Miami and a doctor at Dr. Philip Frost Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery. Even if you’re away from a window, the screen you’re staring at can have an impact on your complexion: even the light from your computer, phone, or other screen can cause damage to your skin. Blue light has been known to damage the skin by inducing skin stressors. Long story short, more screen time = more [sun]screen time. 

And last we checked, getting outside is not canceled. It may not be the day-of-play you expected, but playing Sudoku on your porch or tending to your garden can be just as sun-intensive as an outing at the beach — which is reason enough to lather on mineral sunscreen. 

Invigorate and rejuvenate

All Good Body Care - vacation

Whether it was a tropical vacation or a weekend getaway to the woods, hearing that upcoming trips are now a no-go is a REAL big bummer. We get it.

But sheltering at home doesn’t mean rejuvenation has to be cancelled. Try indulging in a relaxing stay-cation with an at-home moisturizing sesh and a tropical fruity drink; let your imagination run wild with coconut scent aromatherapy and wear your new bathing suit on your private island (or, uh, living room); reminisce in those memories of the woods and camp out at home.

Some of our most popular skincare products will kickstart your adventures — we’ll hand-deliver (only figuratively, of course) straight to your door. 

Tend to your body.

Being holed up at home sure isn’t good on our bodies. Cooped up and out of our daily routines has our necks stiffening, legs cramping, shoulders tensing, and backs aching.

We can’t treat you to a day at the spa even if we tried, but we can provide you with soothing lavender-infused products for hydrating, aromatherapy goodness. Today, take 5 minutes of ‘me-time’ to dig into your pressure points and massage your temples, in between your eyes, and the base of your neck. Pro tip: add some All Good Goop to your fingertips to reach the optimal relaxation level. Just a few spritzes of plant-based pain relief (like Herbal Freeze with Arnica) soothes physical stressors on contact and is perfect for extra tense and sore muscles. Then a squeeze of Lavender Lotion and a dollop of Lavender Coconut Oil for good measure… yep, good to go.

Just sit back, close your eyes, and breathe. Take all the time you need. 

Tend to your loved ones.

All Good Body Care - skinfood coconut oil

Now is the time for compassion — both for yourself and all around you. Everyone is affected in one way or another by the ever-changing news cycles and adjustments to our daily routines. 

Remember to be kind.

Stuck-inside anxieties run rampant for everyone. Your partner, your roommate, your neighbor, your children, you! Everyone is really feelin’… somethin’ these days. 

If you have kids, remember this: when you’re 3 feet tall, 6 feet of distance seems like a mile away from their friends. Your Brave Little Humans are surely missing their play dates with friends.  Take time with them to plan out fun activities during the day or for the week.  Try a new board game, learn a new card game, paint each other’s nails, or bake something together.

Be patient with and forgiving of yourself.

We believe in incorporating our company values into everything we do. Our values are more than just daily reminders of how to do our best; they’re guiding principles to follow both in and out of the office. 

With that in mind, we understand that “living your values” comes as a privilege to some who are not so frequently met with the opportunity to do so; especially now. You might be put in a situation where you have to sacrifice your values out of necessity — be it the need to sacrifice sustainability for price point or to prioritize your local small business owners and families who are being hit the most. Times like these make ‘comfortability’ the focal point of all decision making. So we recommend you do just that: do whatever you need to do to feel the safest and most comfortable you can be in this unknown. 

Business trips have ceased, neighborly conversations are being held at a distance, trips to the grocery store have become grand adventures. The All Good team is taking this time to nourish our bodies with nutrient-dense food, taking online yoga classes, reading books with their children, gardening in the backyard, and finishing those incomplete home improvement projects. 

One day we will be reunited with our loved ones at the beach, watching the sunset with a newfound appreciation for life. Just wait… the air will feel fresher, the waves will look more majestic, love will feel stronger, and our gratitude will feel deeper. 

We are here with you.


Your All Good QuaranTeam

All Good Makes Everybody Better.

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