Changing the World 1% at a Time

All Good Body Care - Changing the World 1% at a Time

Currently, only 3% of philanthropic donations go towards environmental causes. Three. That’s a really, really small number. Interestingly enough, we can make a huge impact on that small number with an even smaller number: 1%. That’s where 1% for the Planet comes in.


1% for the Planet is a member-based nonprofit organization where businesses all over the world commit to donating 1% of their annual sales — not profit… sales! — to environmental nonprofit organizations. These organizations work on issues that focus on bettering the planet like climate advocacy, food policy, wildlife restoration, and much more. Through active and engaging partnerships between businesses and nonprofits, this global network puts their money where their mouth is.

Which means consumers do, too. Every time an individual buys a product that sports the 1% for the Planet logo, a portion of that product’s proceeds go towards protecting and rejuvenating Mother Earth.


Building a company with environmental integrity has always been at the forefront of our founder’s mind — which is why Caroline’s first important decision as a business owner was to join 1% for the Planet in 2006. From the beginning, All Good has been a leader in triple bottom line practices, focused on bettering rather than biggering. Each addition to our ecosystem — whether it be people or SKUs — became an intentional decision to create a company that lives and inspires others to live in balance with nature. Through that, the drift from just selling All Good products to growing a movement began.


Fast forward more than a decade later to 1% for the Planet’s 3rd annual Global Summit, where Caroline addressed a room of 350 innovators, visionaries, and earth-loving changemakers to remind us all about “hope spots” for the future.

“Think of places, people, experiences that measurably show how your work is having an impact. Where the work of one company is actually part of a bigger movement. May these hope spots never be a reason to slow down or reduce our efforts, rather, the opposite. They need to keep us going.

I think of our farm. It’s a hope spot (…) we grow farmers, we grow soil, we grow medicinal plants for All Good products, food for our employees, and it’s where we grow our family.

The FDA — unexpectedly — made a statement that mineral ingredients are the only safe sunscreens for humans. What?! The FDA… a hope spot.

Beyond that, so many hope spots are generated by our 1% [nonprofit] partners — after all, they are the ones on the front lines doing the hard work.

I think of the Conservation Alliance with over 50 million acres protected, of our long time partner, United Plant Savers, creating a sanctuary and seed bank for critical medical plants.

Our many Hawaiian partners who’ve leveraged the recent legislation into support for their individual bays where they are closing beaches for spawning coral and replanting polyps.

Haereticus Environmental Laboratory where Dr. Craig Downs has literally been putting his life on the life to scientifically prove the dangers of these chemicals — he’s a 21st century Rachel Carson.”

And so, over the course of a day, these 350 listeners set out to make systemic change in the world of business. Keynote Mark Randolf, co-founder of Netflix, reminded the room that “the world is changing and we need to change with it.” Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, kept the room humbled, grounded, and drilled home the idea that a commitment to the planet is not just an option… it’s the cost of doing business.


Perfectly so, 1% for the Planet has kept the buzz from Global Summit alive in launching their latest campaign ‘Be 1% Better’. From now through June 22, the campaign aims to educate consumers about the 1% model and provide engaging opportunities to become (at least) 1% better. Individuals can enter to win discounts and prizes from their favorite brands — all of which are donating 1% of sales to their partner organizations.

In the words of Caroline Duell, “there are no sidelines; this is a game we are all in.” We can all be a part of something bigger than all of us. So join in, look for the logo, and support businesses and organizations that are making change. #beonepercentbetter

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