All Good Body Care - CRUELTY FREE…like duh

When All Good is in your name, you probably won’t do any bad stuff to animals, right? But if you want our official opinion: “we emphatically believe animal testing is a barbaric practice that has no place in the body care business and no place in the products you keep on your shelf, periodt.” Considering the thousands of ubiquitous ingredients in body care that have been tested long ago for safety, the only things that require testing anymore are for weird new chemical combos, so producers can keep expanding their product lines (at the cost of damage to our planet, our bodies, innocent creatures and ultimately damage to their own souls). The EU has already banned animal testing for cosmetics, which makes sense since they also banned 1,328 chemicals from body care shown to be toxic (all but 11 of which, the U.S. still inexplicably allow). For more on that, read our post on ingredients here.

Rest assured with All Good that you’re free from worry about our ingredients, since most of them are of organic and botanical origin, while some are grown right down the road from our very own corporate offices. We want ingredients that are from the earth and are safe to return to the earth, in addition to being safe and friendly to all living creatures. The only “sad bunnies” you’ll ever see around All Good, are when we run out of treats to feed them.

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